This Greenway has been an idea since the early 70’s, and has had many tries before reaching this current level.

City Staff brought the detailed design and implementation plan before council last week. Jessica Chen-Adams and city staff presented the plans so far. Jack Chow expressed concern over the parking near his insurance company and the Blarney Stone shared concerns over loading zones, but most speakers were in favour of the presentation as it stands. After many presentations, including an eloquent and moving  history of the Greenway initiative by Roger Bayley, City Council approved the following:

A: That Council approve the construction of the Carrall Street Greenway as detailed in the Adminstrative Report dated June 27, 2006, at an estimated cost of $5,073,500, with funding to be provided as follows: $1,500,000 from 2006 Streets Basic Capital for the Carrall Street Greenway; $73,500 cost sharing from the 2006 Translink Bicycle Program; $3,500,000 from the 2007 Streets Basic Capital for the Carrall Street Greenway subject to approval of the 2007 Streets Capital Budget.

B:That Council approve an increase of $76,500 for maintenance costs to the Engineering Operating Budget, without offset, beginning in 2008 and subject to an annual budget review.

C. That Council approve the conversion of the temporary landscape designer position to regular full-time to further develop the Carrall Street Greenway and other on-going greenways projects at a total annual cost of $63,700 including Fringe Benefits. 2006 funding to be provided from the Carrall Street Greenway Capital Budget while subsequent year fundign to be provided equally from the Operating and Street Capital budget, resulting in a $31,850 increase to the Engineering Operating Budget in 2007.

D. That Council instruct staff to review the usage of the Carrall Street Greenway after construction.

What does all this mean? It is actually happening! Off the table and onto the street – into reality. Construction starts in October, and will begin around the Keefer area first, then move up to Maple Tree Square.

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